Materials Management 101 Training

State agencies are hiring a significant number of new solid waste and sustainable materials management (SMM) program staff. These staff require training. NEWMOA and NERC have a long history of providing training for state staff on a range of solid waste and SMM topics. These recorded and upcoming webinars can assist agencies in training their new staff, staff in new positions, or anyone looking for a primer.

Upcoming Training Webinars

What’s the Big Deal with Wasted Food? Part 1 REGISTER HERE
September 17, 1:00
Michael Nork of NH DES, Kristine Ellsworth of NYS DEC, and Conor Miller of Black Earth Compost
Part 1 focuses on WHY is it that around the country, state policy aimed at diverting more food waste from disposal has become a high priority. What is driving this momentum? Why is food waste diversion good policy? Join us to hear answers from experts.

What’s the Big Deal with Wasted Food? Part 2 REGISTER HERE
October 15, 1:00
Experts from hauler/composters, technical assistance groups, and state agency staff (TBD)
Part 2 focuses on HOW states and communities are expanding prevention, donation, and diversion of food waste — each presenter will delve into specific policies or methodologies that have proven to be effective in avoiding or diverting wasted food.

Recorded Training Webinars

Materials Management 101:

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