Current members of IMERC include: Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Vermont. IMERC invites additional states to join.
IMERC Members benefit through:
- Consistency in state implementation of mercury education and reduction laws, including notification and other data-gathering activities, product bans and phase-outs, labeling, and collection systems
- Effective interstate coordination and communication on legislative initiatives, laws, and rules concerning mercury-added products (MAPs).
- Efficient and effective communications with the regulated community;
- Interstate communications and coordination on public education on mercury-added products and wastes
- Effective measurement of the impacts of state mercury-reduction programs
- Public access to relevant state information and guidance
- Effective collection of MAPs and improved management of these materials
Current IMERC activities include:
- Facilitating interstate collaboration on the development and implementation of public education and outreach programs on mercury-added products
- Collecting and managing data on mercury-added products
- Making information on mercury-added products publicly available
- Analyzing trends in mercury use in products and preparing reports presenting the results
- Responding to requests for information on mercury management, education, and reduction legislation
- Providing technical assistance, facilitating review, and making recommendations to the member states concerning (1) manufacturer notifications to states regarding the use, amount, and purpose of mercury in their products; (2) manufacturer applications for exemptions to the phase-out of mercury-added products; (3) manufacturer applications for alternative labeling of mercury-added products; and (4) manufacturer plans for collection and proper waste management of mercury-containing materials.
All of IMERC’s Members have an equal vote on the recommendations made by the Clearinghouse to its membership. All state representatives to IMERC are appointed by the responsible State Environmental Agency Commissioner or Director.
IMERC is a program of NEWMOA.
Application Process
Any state agency that is interested in joining IMERC should send a letter stating its interest in joining the Clearinghouse and willingness to pay the annual dues to IMERC, c/o NEWMOA, 89 South Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02111.
Annual Dues for Members
States (based on population):
- Less than or equal to 3.5 million people = $5,500
- 3.6 million to 20 million people = $11,000
IMERC’s fiscal year commences October 1 of each year. NEWMOA sends out invoices and notices late in the fiscal year for payment of dues for the following year. Arrangement can be made for pro-rating dues for a partial year for new members.