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Wasted Food Workgroup

Mission: A Workgroup to support a forum for discussing regional interstate food waste issues and regulatory and policy developments; holding information-sharing and training events; conducting research and analysis; and initiating projects.

The Workgroup prepared a summary of available Food Waste Calculators that it periodically updates as new calculators become available.

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Chris Nelson

Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Carla Hopkins
Mark King

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
John Fischer

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Tara Albert
Michael Nork
Paige Wilson
Jenny Mitchell

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Julia Garcia

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Kristine Ellsworth
Nasibah Elmi
Christian Glander
Sally Rowland
Molly Trembley

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Alyson Brunelli
David McLaughlin

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Josh Kelly
Anne Bijur
Ben Gauthier
Emma Stuhl

Northeast Recycling Council (NERC)
Megan Fontes
Mariane Medeiros

Delaware Solid Waste Authority
Rick Watson

Maryland Department of the Environment
Christy Bujnovszky
Shannon McDonald

Pennsylvania Department of Environment Protection
Jessica Shilladay

Environmental Protection Agency
Chris Beling
Janet Bowen
Stephanie Lamster
Rachel Chaput
Elana Goldstein
Melissa Pennington
Lorraine Graves
Kimiko Link

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NEWMOA Contact
John Fay