Materials Management - Construction & Demolition (C&D) Materials
Construction & Demolition (C&D) Materials
C&D debris associated with construction and demolition of buildings is usually disposed of in landfills. However, available landfill space is becoming increasingly limited in most of the northeast, and most waste-to-energy facilities do not want this material. In addition, some states in the northeast have disposal bans that prohibit the disposal of some of this material, including Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Vermont. NEWMOA’s 2009 report estimated that approximately 10 percent of architectural C&D debris generation was recovered for an end use outside of a landfill in 2006. There is significant potential to increase recovery and reuse of most C&D materials.
NEWMOA and the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) jointly support a C&D Materials Workgroup that meets regularly to discuss challenging issues with C&D materials management, conducts virtual training events, and publishes reports and other information resources.
The following provides links to useful resources to help inform programs and strategies for increasing recycling of C&D materials in the northeast.
- Massachusetts Construction & Demolition Debris Market Study
- Construction & Demolition (C&D) Materials Management in the Northeast in 2013
- Moving Towards Zero Waste & Cost Savings – A Roadmap for Contractors & Builders
- Policy Options White Paper: Promoting Greater Recycling of Gypsum Wallboard from Construction & Demolition (C&D) Projects in the Northeast
Best Management Practices, Guides, & Fact Sheets:
- After the Disaster: A Guide for Residents & Small Businesses about Managing Debris Waste
- An Introduction to Deconstruction
- Building Materials Reuse in Remodeling & New Construction
- Calculating the Cost Effectiveness of Recycling C&D
- Hazardous Building Materials Found in Homes & Other Structures
- Recycling Works Construction & Demolition Materials Guidance
Webinars & Presentations:
- C&D Materials Management & Markets in the Northeast
- Massachusetts C&D Markets Study – DSM Environmental
- BMPs for Zero Waste & Recycling Plans
- C&D Materials Recycling: Innovative Projects in New York City
Other Related Websites & Information:
- EPA Sustainable Management of Construction & Demolition Website
- Construction & Demolition Recycling Association
- Find a C&D Recycler
- Construction & Demolition Recycling Magazine
- Disposal Bans & Mandatory Recycling in the United States
C&D Debris Facility Information:
- Connecticut: Construction & Demolition Material Processing Facilities
- Delaware: Facilities
- Maine: Active Processing Facilities
- Maryland: Natural Wood Waste Recycling Facilities
- Massachusetts: List of Active Handling Facilities in Massachusetts, February 2018
- New Hampshire: Facility search
- New Jersey: New Jersey Approved Class B Recycling Facilities – includes C&D, tires
- New York: Construction & Demolition (C&D) Debris Processing Facilities
- Pennsylvania: C&D material outlets
- Rhode Island: Licensed Solid Waste Facilities
- Vermont: C&D Recycling Facilities