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Sustainable Materials Management Measures Workgroup

Mission: To facilitate information-sharing and lessons learned among state sustainable materials management program staff and mangers to help improve the measurement of source reduction, reuse, organics diversion, and recycling activities in the states.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Vincent Prescott
Megan Pryor

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Tayo Akinbola
Cathy Doodnauth
John Fischer
Rachel Smith

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Laura Filiau
Michael Nork

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Robin Heston-Murphy
Erin Jensen

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Jaime Lang

Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA)
Terri Goldberg

Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC)
Jared Rhodes

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Alyssa Eiklor
Kasey Kathan