Materials Management - Medical Waste Management Workgroup
Medical Waste Management Workgroup
Mission: To facilitate information sharing among state officials who oversee management of medical waste to help them learn from each other’s experience, share programmatic strategies, and exchange programmatic and technical resources.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Frank Gagliardo
Mark Latham
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Lindsey Douglas
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Michael Parker
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Thomas Adamczyk
Richard Blanchet
Stephen Hughes
James Paterson
Bharathi Patimalla-Dipali
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Debra Sonderegger
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Valerie Costigan
Paula Hanley
Jennifer Meyer
Jeff Salabritas
Elizabeth Strochak
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Richard Clarkson
Prabhat Mallik
Kathy Prather
Alan Woodard
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Mark Dennen
Yan Li
Alyson Brunelli
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Benjamin Gauthier