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IMERC Steering Committee

Mission: To form a single point of contact for information submission and access on mercury-added products; to reduce mercury in waste; to facilitate interstate deliberations on mercury-added product requirements that provide advice and assistance to the individual states for their decision-making.

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Brenna Giannetti

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Kori Blitch

Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Andrew Pomiak

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Katelynn King

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Joy Taylor Morgan

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
John Gilkeson

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Ann Astarita

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Emily DeMaio
Robin Heston-Murphy

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Peter Van Erp
Jessica Zehr

North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Mark Burnette

Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA)
Shaina Cohen
Karen Knaebel

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Alyssa Lewis
Michele McCaughey

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Sarah Hobson

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NEWMOA Contact
Shaina Cohen & Karen Knaebel