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Sustainable Grocers

There are a significant number of opportunities at grocery stores to promote reductions in energy and water use; advance reduction, reuse, and recycling of various materials and wastes; improve management of storm water; and promote the sale and use of greener products. These measures can help mitigate greenhouse gases, conserve natural resources, create a healthier environment for employees and customers, and save money.

A number of NEWMOA’s members established sustainable or “green” business programs focused on grocery stores starting in 2011. To support these efforts, NEWMOA formed a Sustainable Grocers Workgroup and launched a Regional Sustainable Grocers Initiative in 2012 to promote more sustainable practices and recognize the efforts already underway at grocery stores. A number of the large chains in the region, like Hannaford, Shaw’s, and Stop and Shop operate in multiple states making an interstate approach to the sector sensible and efficient for state programs and grocers. The goals of the initiative were to:

  • Increase adoption of sustainable practices to address environmental problems in grocery stores
  • Recognize the achievements of those within the sector
  • Measure the environmental benefits of the initiative

This Project was funded by EPA Regions 1 and 2 and the participating state programs.

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