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PFAS: Improving Risk Communication with the Public (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Claire Nitsche, Washington State DOH presented Be Less "Government-y!”: Community-Centered PFAS Risk Communication in Washington State . Claire […]

Materials Management 101: Wasted Food, Part 1

What's the Big Deal about Wasted Food? Part 1 Michael Nork of NH DES, Kristine Ellsworth of NYS DEC, and Conor Miller of Black Earth Compost present on why avoiding and diverting food waste is good policy — an overview of why wasted food has become a national priority and what is driving states to […]

PFAS: Investigating Inputs to Wastewater Treatment Plants (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Logan Hayes, California DTSC presented Cosmetics Contribute to PFAS at Wastewater Treatment Plants in California’s Dense Urban Environments . Cosmetics […]

PFAS: Sampling & Analytical Method Developments (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Troy Strock, US EPA presented EPA PFAS Analytical Methods: Aqueous and Solid Matrices . Troy presented on EPA's […]

PFAS in Consumer Products, Food Service & Facility Maintenance: Promoting Awareness & Alternatives

Jennifer Griffith and Stephanie Frisch from NEWMOA presented on the project they have been working on with the Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District (NEKWMD) in Vermont, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES). The webinar presented information about the “forever” chemicals, PFAS: Where PFAS might be found […]

PFAS: Thermal Treatment Technologies (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Rebecca DiStefano, Calgon Carbon presented Thermal Destruction of PFAS During Full-scale Reactivation of PFAS-laden Granular Activated Carbon . Rebecca […]

PFAS: Definitions for Policymaking & Federal Regulations Update (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Linda Gaines, US EPA presented To Be Or Not To Be A PFAS . As a general concept, […]

Materials Management 101: Wasted Food, Part 2

What's the Big Deal about Wasted Food? Part 2 John Fischer of Mass DEP, Josh Enderle of CET, Jay Hawkins of Feeding NYS, and Justin Sandler of Black Earth Compost present on How states and communities are expanding prevention, donation, and diversion of food waste — each will delve into specific policies or methodologies that […]

PFAS in Ski Wax: Human Health & Environmental Implications (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Gail Carlson, Colby College presented Environmental Contamination from Fluorinated Ski Wax Use . The use of fluorinated ski waxes in […]

PFAS: Agricultural Impacts – Research & Response in Maine (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Mary Yurlina, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, & Forestry (DACF) presented Maine's PFAS Response for Agriculture - Program Launch […]

PFAS: Background Studies

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Don Ward, New York State DEC presented Summaries of PFAS in Precipitation Sampling at Two NYS Monitoring Sites […]

PFAS: Investigating Wastewater & Septic Systems as the Source (webinar)

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members. Dr. Jennifer Harfmann, New Hampshire DES presented Presence of PFAS in Domestic Wastewater & Potential Sources . Jennifer […]