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Deconstruction: Benefits & Challenges at Brownfields & Other Waste Site Cleanup Sites (webinar)

March 11 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

1:30 to 3:00 PM (eastern)

Many brownfields and other waste site cleanup projects involve the demolition and removal of on-site buildings. The northeast continues to face disposal capacity limitations that increase the cost to dispose of this building waste. Please join us to learn more about how deconstruction and other efforts can minimize waste and lower costs. Bring your questions!

Note: This webinar is presented for informational purposes. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of each of the NEWMOA-member states, and the strategies and technologies discussed should not be considered an endorsement by NEWMOA or its members.

Megan Mansfield-Pryor, Maine Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future & Daniel Salomon, Second Story Builders
 will provide an overview of what deconstruction is, why it is important, and their experience to date.

Dan Costello, Costello Dismantling will present his experience incorporating deconstruction and waste minimization into demolition projects.

FREE for government officials ONLY in the eight (8) NEWMOA states
(CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI and VT) or those with the FEDERAL government – please read Note 1 below!.

All others must pay with a credit card when registering. The fee is $75 with a reduced rate of $25 for government officials in the other 42 states as well as staff at non-profit organizations, students, and academics (read Note 2 below). If the fee is a true barrier to your attendance, contact Jennifer Griffith at jgriffith@newmoa.org to see if it can be reduced or waived.

Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7140369693197817690

Note 1: to bring the cost to zero:

  • government officials in the 8 NEWMOA states should scroll down and enter the discount code (case sensitive): NEWMOA
  • federal government officials should scroll down and enter the discount code (case sensitive): Federal

Make sure to click the “APPLY” button and to use your government email address when registering so NEWMOA can easily validate your registration.

Note 2: to bring the cost to $25:

  • government officials in the other 42 states should scroll down and enter the discount code (case sensitive): NonNEWMOA
  • non-profit organizations, students, and academics should scroll down and enter the discount code (case sensitive): NGO

Make sure to click the “APPLY” button and to use your government email address or your .org or .edu email address when registering so NEWMOA can easily validate your registration.


For more information, contact Jennifer Griffith at jgriffith@newmoa.org


March 11
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Event Category:


Jennifer Griffith
(617) 571-9004