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TCE Vapor Intrusion: State of the Science, Regulations, & Technical Options Workshop
April 13, 2015 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 Registration & continental breakfast
9:30 Welcome & Introductions
Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA & Eric Suuberg, Brown University
9:45 TCE Basics
Professor Kim Boekelheide, Brown University
– Why do we care so much about this chemical?
Widespread use
* Current & historic uses
* Industries/site uses where TCE contamination should be suspected
Breakdown products
– How the view of TCE impact has changed over time
Reference concentration changes
Fetal cardiac acute short term exposure impacts
10:30 TCE Fate & Transport
Professor Eric Suuberg, Brown University
– DNAPL behavior in the subsurface
– Vapor intrusion basics
– Effect of preferential pathways for DNAPL & VI movement
– VI movement into buildings
– Evaluating soil gas, sub-slab & indoor air data
11:15 Break
11:30 Practical Aspects of VI Assessment for TCE
David Shea, Sanborn, Head & Associates
– VI investigation methods & sampling tools
– Distinguishing background from VI
– Addressing spatial & temporal variations
– Confounding factors: VI pathways, HVAC systems, & in-structure mixing
12:15 Lunch (provided)
1:00 Approaches to Managing TCE Risks
Gary Ginsberg, CT DPH
Paul Locke, MassDEP
– Why standards vary:
OSHA vs. cleanup
State vs. state
Chronic vs. acute
– Overview of TCE standards & guidance in the NEWMOA states
– Making decisions under regulatory uncertainty
1:45 VI Mitigation Methods Overview
Robin Mongeon, NH DES
– Site remediation
– Institutional controls
– Building controls
2:15 Break
2:30 State Case Studies: Addressing TCE Vapor Intrusion
CT: Carl Gruszczak, CT DEEP & Phil Warner, HGC Environmental Consulting
ME: Troy Smith, ME DEP
MA: Gerard Martin, MassDEP
NH: Robin Mongeon, NH DES
RI: Ashley Blauvelt, RI DEM
VT: Richard Spiese, VT DEC
4:00 Adjourn