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Indiana Auto Salvage Yard ERP

Theresa Bordenkecher, Indiana DEM Indiana's Auto Salvage Environmental Results Program Michael Crow, Crow Environmental Excel Spreadsheet Tool  

Strategies to Reduce the Impacts of Traditional Dry Cleaning

EPA Region 1 Lab 11 Technology Drive, Chelmsford, MA, United States

Agenda 9:45     Introductions, Overview of Agenda, & Meeting Objectives Michael Wimsatt, Director, NH DES Waste Management Division Terri Goldberg, NEWMOA Executive Director 10:15   Massachusetts Dry Cleaners Environmental Results Program (ERP) Overview, Findings, & Lessons Learned Suzi Peck, Mass DEC MassDEP Dry Cleaners ERP webpage 10:45   Break 11:00   New York State Dry Cleaner Regulations & Program […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Area of Contamination & Contained-in Policies

This free webinar covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about how to ensure compliance with RCRA regarding identification of the area of contamination and the northeast states contained-in policies. Mark Dennen, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) presented. Mr. Dennen is a long time RCRA inspector and program manager with […]

EPA’s Aerosol Can Universal Waste Rule

In late 2019, EPA announced the signing of its final Aerosol Can Rule. The final Rule adds hazardous waste aerosol cans to the list of universal wastes regulated under 40 CFR part 273. The universal waste regulations encompass protective requirements for facilities generating, handling, and transporting certain categories of hazardous waste that are commonly generated […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Waste Treatment & Land Disposal Restrictions

This webinar was the fourth in a four-part series that covered key RCRA compliance topics that can affect site cleanups. This presentation covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about waste treatment and Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs). Presenter: Mike Ellenbecker, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). In 1990, Mike began his […]

EPA’s Pharmaceutical Waste Rule’s Sections on Reverse Logistics

Webinar Slides The purpose of this presentation was to provide a review of the sections of EPA's Pharmaceutical Waste Rule on reverse logistics to help state programs understand how they can adopt and enforce those requirements. The presenters Kristin Fitzgerald and Brian Knieser, EPA HQs discussed the implications of the Rule's reverse logistics policies for […]

Properly Managing E-Cigarettes & Vaping Waste Streams This free webinar, co-sponsored by NEWMOA and NERC, focused on proper management of waste from e-cigarettes and vaping, including any opportunities for recycling the materials. The presenters provided an overview of these devices and their associated waste streams, whether any of the materials meet the definition of hazardous waste, what the commercial and institutional […]