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PFAS in The Northeast: State of Practice & Regulatory Perspectives Workshop
May 9, 2017
Co-sponsored by NEWMOA and the Brown University Superfund Research Program (SRP)
9:00 Check-in & Continental Breakfast
9:30 Welcome & Logisitics
Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA
9:45 PFAS Basics
Dr. Jennifer Guelfo, Brown University SRP
10:45 Networking Break
11:00 PFAS Toxicology
Dr. David Klein, Brown University
11:30 PFAS Fate & Transport
Dr. Erika Houtz, Arcadis
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Treatment & Remediation: Short Presentations & Panel
Facilitated by: Dr. Michelle Crimi, Clarkson University
Potable Water Treatment:
Steve Woodard, ECT
John Matthis, Calgon Carbon
Site Remediation:
Dr. Raymond Ball, EnChem Engineering
Dr. Allan Horneman, Arcadis
2:45 Networking Break
3:00 State & EPA Case Studies, Policy Developments, & Lessons Learned
Presentations by:
Dr. Linda Gaines, EPA HQ
Angela Gallagher, MassDEP
Lea Anne Atwell, NH DES
Steve Maybury, NJ DEP
Richard Spiese, VT DEC
and CT information:Shannon Pociu, CT DEEP
4:30 Adjourn
Thank you to Our GOLD Sponsors – All 3 Locations:
- Vista Analytical Laboratory
- Golder Associates
- Alpha Analytical
Thank You To Our Silver Sponsors – All 3 Locations:
- Con-test Analytical Laboratory
- ect2
- Test America: The Leader in Environmental Testing
Thank You To Our Gold Sponsor of 1 Location:
Thank You to Our Silver Sponsor of 2 Locations:
Thank You To Our Silver Sponsor of 1 Location:
Continuing Education Credits: The workshop is approved for 6.0 CECs for CT LEPs (course number: CTLEP-437) and Mass LSPs (course number 1599), and 5.0 CECs for NJ LSRPs (course number: 2017-016).