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Making Better Decisions: Real-time Data Collection & Interpretation Workshop
March 22, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:30 Welcome and Introductions
9:45 Real-Time Data Collection and Interpretation: “Why is it Important?”
Matt Jefferson, U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technical Innovation
10:30 Collection of Real-time Data to Optimize Subsurface Investigations – Equipment and Technique Overview
Mike Rossi, Cascade Technical Services (formerly Stone Environmental Field Services Division)
- Membrane Interface Probe (MIP)
- Electrical Conductivity (EC)
- Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT)
- Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT)
- Discrete soil and groundwater sampling techniques
11:00 Break
11:15 Designing the Investigation and Interpreting the Data
Jason Ruf, Steven Gelb, Tom Koester, and/or Matthew Ruf, S2C2, Inc.
- Determining the best tool for the job
- Steps to maximize data collection
- Evaluating the direct sensing log
- 2D/3D data interpretation tools
- Collaborative data sets
11:45 Evaluating Remedial Action Performance
Matthew Ednie, Cascade Technical Services (formerly ZEBRA Technical Services)
- Optimizing in-situ remediation – using real-time data to evaluate distribution and mass reduction
- Overcoming rebound – targeting the right intervals with the right delivery system
- Eliminating conceptual site model surprises
12:15 Lunch (provided)
1:00 Equipment Demonstrations – participants break into 4 groups and rotate between:
Three sessions of 30 minutes each (in-the-field)
- S2C2 Inc.
- Cascade Technical Services (Stone Environmental and ZEBRA Technical Services)
Fourth 30 minute session in the Exhibit Room:
- Defiant Technologies: FROG-4000 field GC
- Inficon: HAPSITE field GC/MS
- Olympus (invited): XRF
- Perkin-Elmer: Torion T-9 field GC/MS
- Thermo Scientific: XRF
- XOS (invited): XRF
3:00 Break
3:15 State Perspective Panel with Q&A
- March 22: Representatives from CT DEEP, NYS DEC, and RI DEM
- March 23: Representatives from ME DEP, MassDEP, and NH DES
- March 24: Representatives from NH DES and VT DEC
4:00 Adjourn