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Food Recovery & Donation, Opportunities & Challenges in the Lakes Region
November 5, 2018 @ 2:00 pm
Food insecurity is a serious issue in the Lakes Region and there are many opportunities to become involved. The Workshop involved food producers, farmers, distributors, retailers, schools, food pantries, meal sites, and anyone interested in food recovery and donation to:
- Make connections with others working to increase food recovery and donation
- Find out what can and cannot be donated and to where
- Learn about liability protections and tax deductions and how food donation can save money
- Find out about alternatives to disposal for food that can’t be donated, including feeding animals and composting
- Hear success stories and ideas for new opportunities
The Workshop featured representatives from the EPA, New Hampshire Food Bank, New Hampshire Gleans, University of New Hampshire, and New Hampshire Department of Agriculture.
Sponsored by:
Lakes Region Planning Commission
Belknap County Conservation District
NH Food Bank
NH Grocers Association
NH Farm-to-School
NH Department of Environmental Services
2:00 Welcome, Objectives, & Introductions
Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA
2:20 An Introduction to Food Insecurity & Waste
Eileen Liponis, New Hampshire Food Bank
2:35 Food Recovery & Donation in New Hampshire, Initiatives, Challenges, & Opportunities
Bruce Wilson, New Hampshire Food Bank
2:50 Making the Connection Between Farms & Food Recovery: Gleaning
Stacey Purslow, NH Farm-to-School & Lisa Morin, Belknap County Conservation District
3:15 Promoting Food Donation: Liability Protections, Tax Incentives, & Date Labeling
Christine Beling, EPA Region 1 & Erika Dunyak, Harvard Food Law & Policy Clinic
3:35 Alternatives to the Landfill: Feeding Animals & Composting
Matt Smith, University of New Hampshire & Steve Crawford, NH Department of Agriculture
4:00 Small Group Facilitated Discussion
Stacey Purslow, NH Farm-to-School
4:40 Sharing Comments/Recommendations
Stacey Purslow, NH Farm-to-School