Using Recycled Content Materials in Road & Infrastructure Projects Workshop

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, United States

NEWMOA and NERC jointly hosted a daylong workshop to promote the use of recycled materials in road and infrastructure projects. The workshop brought together state, local highway, and public works officials, environmental departments, and others to hear about new opportunities, case studies, and lessons learned from experts in the field. The workshop focused on case […]

Using Recycled Content Materials in Road & Infrastructure Projects Workshop

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, United States

NERC and NEWMOA jointly hosted a daylong workshop to promote the use of recycled materials in road and infrastructure projects. The workshop brought together state, local highway, and public works officials, environmental departments, and others to hear about new opportunities, case studies, and lessons learned from experts in the field. The workshop focused on case […]

NEWMOA Solid Waste Workshop

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, United States

NEWMOA held a one-day Solid Waste Program Workshop on May 11 at the CT DEEP offices in Hartford, CT. The workshop focused on new solid waste technologies, state regulations and permits for anaerobic digestion (AD) facilities, post closure care at landfills, and municipal solid waste and C & D materials generation and disposal. Agenda & […]

Summit on Lean & Process Improvement for Environmental Agencies in the Northeast

Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT, United States

The purposes of this training summit were to: Provide a forum for exchanging success stories, results, tools, & information Share examples of how Lean & similar efficiency projects are improving performance of agencies & delivering environmental value Identify examples of how Lean & similar efficiency projects have increased efficiency & effectiveness of environmental permitting, compliance, […]