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Back-to-Basics Part 3: Remedy Selection for Success Workshop

Quinebaug Valley Community College 742 Upper Maple Street, Danielson, CT, United States

Thank You To Our Platinum Sponsor:  Thank You To Our Silver Sponsor: There are seven presentations and audio recordings - please scroll down to access them all: Remedial Action Objectives: What Do You Need to Accomplish? The Universe of Technologies Feasibility Studies Considering RCRA Requirements in Remedy Selection Case Studies: Full Feasibility Studies & Remedy […]

Back-to-Basics Part 3: Remedy Selection for Success Workshop

University of Massachusetts Conference Center, Lowell, MA 50 Warren Street, Lowell, MA, United States

Thank You To Our Platinum Sponsor:  Thank You To Our Silver Sponsor: There are seven presentations and audio recordings - please scroll down to access them all: Remedial Action Objectives: What Do You Need to Accomplish? The Universe of Technologies Feasibility Studies Considering RCRA Requirements in Remedy Selection Case Studies: Full Feasibility Studies & Remedy […]

Back-to-Basics Part 3: Remedy Selection for Success Workshop

Fireside Inn and Suites 25 Airport Road, Lebanon, NH, United States

Thank You To Our Platinum Sponsor:  Note that the presentations were recorded live at the May 8, 2019 version of the workshop so there can be some background and other noise. In addition, for some recordings, the Q&A is included and there is a period of silence in the recording when an attendee in the […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Waste Characterization & Listed Hazardous Waste (webinar)

Slides The webinar covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about the definition of solid and hazardous waste and characteristic and listed hazardous wastes. It emphasized how critical waste determination is as the starting point to ensuring that a site cleanup complies with RCRA C requirements. Ross Bunnell, Connecticut Department of […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Area of Contamination & Contained-in Policies

This free webinar covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about how to ensure compliance with RCRA regarding identification of the area of contamination and the northeast states contained-in policies. Mark Dennen, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) presented. Mr. Dennen is a long time RCRA inspector and program manager with […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Onsite Management of Remediation Waste

This free webinar covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about how to ensure compliance with RCRA regarding onsite management of remediation waste. It was the third in a four-part series taking place in the fall of 2019 and winter 2020. The presenters were Ross Bunnell, CT DEEP and Martin Sanchez, NJ […]

RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites: Waste Treatment & Land Disposal Restrictions

This webinar was the fourth in a four-part series that covered key RCRA compliance topics that can affect site cleanups. This presentation covered what waste site cleanup staff and managers need to know about waste treatment and Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs). Presenter: Mike Ellenbecker, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR). In 1990, Mike began his […]