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Disaster Debris Management Workshop
May 22, 2008 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:45 Welcome and Introductions – Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA & Ernie Waterman, USEPA
10:00 State Roundtable of Disaster Debris Management Plan Status and Outreach to Local Governments
10:45 Connecticut’s Disaster Debris Management Plan Process – Tess Gutowski, CT DEEP
- lessons learned from developing their plan
- inter-agency communications
- staging area determinations
- Q&A
11:15 Break
11:30 Contracting – Army Corps of Engineers – Tim Gouger, USACE
- Contaminated Debris Program Manager
- lessons learned
- suggestions for states
- model contracts?
- Q&A
12:15 Lunch (Included)
1:00 Contractor Perspectives – Cecil Patterson, Phillips and Jordan
- lessons learned
- suggestions for states
- Q&A
1:45 Discussion of Local Government Assistance Needs – Paul McNulty, Westborough, MA; Michael Pattavina, Franklin Regional Countil of Governments (MA); John Phetteplace, Stonington, CT Richard Erickson, Consultant and Former Director of Southeast Council of Governments (CT)
- What do local governments need to improve their disaster debris planning?
- How can this assistance be provided and who can provide needed assistance – technical assistance, training, facilitating plan development, etc.
- What sources of funding are available to support this planning?
- Additional Q&A
2:30 Break
2:45 Q&A on the FEMA Public Assistance Pilot Program – Elissa Carleton, FEMA Public Assistance Policy Specialist
- What exactly is the requirement for towns to have pre-approved debris contracts?
- Do they actually need a contract or do they just need to identify the companies?
- Some towns have raised concerns about whether they can enter into a purely contingent contract.
- What happens after the end of 2008? Re-authorization of the Public Assistance Pilot program? If not, it may not be of much relevance now.
- What will the process be for approval of local plans? How can this be done in as streamlined a way as possible?
- Additional Q&A
3:15 Next Steps to Developing Quality State Plans and Regional Coordination – Facilitated Brainstorming and Discussion
4:00 Adjourn