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1,4-Dioxane Assessment & Remediation Workshop
September 23, 2015 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
9:30 Welcome and Logistics
Jennifer Griffith, P.E., NEWMOA
9:45 What Is 1,4-Dioxane and Why Do We Care About It?
Christopher Teaf, Ph.D., Florida State University
- Historical use and prevalence
- Chemistry and behavior in the environment
- Sampling and analytics
- Toxicology
- Brief case studies
10:45 Networking Break
11:00 1,4-Dioxane Regional Overview and Concerns
Shannon Pociu, M.S., CT DEEP
- Types of sites to evaluate for 1,4-dioxane
- State and EPA guidelines, policies, and approaches
- Water supplies – UCMR3 testing preliminary results
- Industrial wastewater treatment – regulatory coordination issues
11:30 1,4-Dioxane Technology Development: An Overview Based on 70 Projects
Paul Dombrowski, P.E., AECOM
- Overview of projects
- Demonstrated treatment technologies
- Natural attenuation and bioremediation
- Developments to validate biodegradation
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:30 1,4-Dioxane Water Treatment
Steven Woodard, Ph.D., P.E., ECT
- Overview of existing treatment technologies
- Synthetic media: an alternative solution
- How does it work? Where does it apply?
- Full-scale case study
2:15 Networking Break
2:30 1,4 Dioxane Case Studies and State Panel
4:00 Adjourn
NEWMOA would like to thank our Silver Sponsor for their support of this workshop: