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Ecological Risk Assessment Workshop
September 13, 2011 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:15 Welcome and Introductions
Jennifer Griffith, NEWMOA
9:30 Principles of Ecological Risk Assessment [PDF]
Charles Harman, AMEC
- When does Eco Risk need to be considered? (What types of sites and site conditions?)
- Who needs to be involved? (What types of expertise needed?)
- Problem Formulation
- Overview of general process/steps (including differences and similarities between terrestrial and aquatic)
10:45 Break
11:00 Advantages and Limitation of Using Various Sediment Quality Guidelines [PDF]
Ken Finkelstein, NOAA
11:45 Incorporation of Bioavailability into Eco Risk Exposure Scenarios [PDF]
Steve Clough, Haley & Aldrich and representing ITRC
- Can it be accurately measured?
- Advantages, limitations and interpretation of sediment metals data and associated bioavailability using AVS/SEM analysis
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:15 Choosing the Appropriate Toxicity Tests and Representative Receptors for Your Site [PDF]
Rex Bergamini, Great Eastern Ecology
- When to require tissue tests? Which tests? Etc
2:00 Developing site-Specific Clean-up Goals [PDF]
Rex Bergamini, Great Eastern Ecology
- Including the procedure for determining assessment and measurement endpoints
- Risk management decisions when calculated cleanup goals cannot be reached
2:45 Break
3:00 Bringing it All Together-Case Studies
- Covering All the Bases: Evaluating Mercury in an Aquatic Ecosystem at a Former Defense Site [PDF]- Thomas Angus, MassDEP
- Application at a Terrestrial site in New Jersey [PDF] – Allan Motter, NJ DEP
4:00 Adjourn